Katagami / Uwagami
Katagami (dyeing stencil), Japan, Late Edo period / Meiji era (2nd half 19. c. / beginning 20th c.)
Katagami (dyeing stencil), Japan, Late Edo period / Meiji era (2nd half 19. c. / beginning 20th c.)
Hand made washi paper, impregnated with kaki-shibu (persimmon tannin)
Overall dimension: 32,8 x 82,1 cm; exemplar: 25 x 73,4 cm
Type: tenugui-ban (towel format) 短冊に文箱と笹に矢羽紋 tanzaku ni fumibako to sasa ni yabane-mon. Towel with lucky motifs: Poem sheet and writing case; bamboo with arrow feather crest; rhombus with kiri leaf...
Type: tenugui-ban (towel format)
短冊に文箱と笹に矢羽紋 tanzaku ni fumibako to sasa ni yabane-mon. Towel with lucky motifs: Poem sheet and writing case; bamboo with arrow feather crest; rhombus with kiri leaf and ... .