On the occasion of the 25th Season Opening of the galleries in Frankfurt
we are presenting works by Katsuhito Nishikawa (*1949).
For Katsuhito Nishikawa, nature, in its regularities and its structure, is the greatest teacher of all, and humans and art need to bow down to it and blend with it. Nature sets the standards that each and every one of us has to recognize anew; it provides the point of orientation for all creative action. Nishikawa finds symbols and creates spaces that for all their diversity in appearance are nothing less than the synthesis of the elementary principles of life.
Opening: Friday, September 6th 2019, 6-10 pm
The artist will be present
Opening hours during the Season Opening 2019:
Friday, September 6th, 6-10pm
Saturday, September 7th, 11am-6pm
Sunday, September 8th, 11am-6pm
Further information on the Season Opening: