In Eastern thought and especially in the traditional Japanese folk art Mingei, the truth and beauty of handcrafted artifacts emerge analogously to their counterparts in natural objects, i.e. their genesis is similar to the mysterious processes of nature. The Swiss artist Andreas Caderas (born in Basel 1955) has oriented his work according to this attitude. In meditative tranquility and with the utmost precision, he uses a repeatedly practiced and internalized artisanal technique or intuitively allows his feelings to flow into an object, “from my innermost sensibility, unintentionally and uncensored” as he says.

Caderas has devoted himself for many years to the theme of vases and containers of bamboo with silver inserts. Like his cast and forged fruit and animal shapes, they pay homage to nature’s beauty and symbolism.

Excerpt from a text by Reinhold Ludwig (Art Aurea)