Opening: Saturday, February 25th, 2023, 11 am

The artist will be present

In the exhibition we present current works by HIROKO.

On view are works on canvas, wood and paper.

Hiroko: Moonlight

Hiroko’s new paintings, executed in black ink on a midnight-blue ground, are dark yet filled with light. This curious paradox begs to be explored more closely; it does not reveal itself to quick glances. If, however, we look at one of these works for a longer time, once our eyes have had the time to adjust, we soon notice the piece seemingly lightening up, allowing us to make out ever more details in the internal structure of the areas painted with ink. Moreover, if we then move, assume different viewpoints and angles or even test out different lighting conditions – ideally in daylight – we realize how incredibly light-sensitive these works are: Suddenly, the ink hardly appears black anymore, but rather grey or anthracite in different nuances, in some places silvery and reminiscent of the surface of slate, or – and this is the association hinted-at in Hiroko’s choice of title – like the reflection of moonlight on a body of water at night. continue reading