Opening: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, 11am
The artist will be present

In the exhibition we present new works by Masamichi Yoshikawa.


Masamichi Yoshikawa’s lavish ceramic palaces

Beauty is known to elude universal objective definition and the concept is thus frequently used in an inflationary way. Yet no other word so fittingly describes the sublimeness and harmony exuded by Japanese artist Masamichi Yoshikawa’s porcelain sculptures, characteristics that arise from the harmonious interplay of form and surface. The artist creates spaces out of porcelain panels that interlock and penetrate one another in different ways. Thin walls merge with thick cuboids, bars slide in-between. The volumes are uneven, asymmetrical, and feature deep incisions. Each piece of the LUXURIANT POTTERY PALACES bears traces of the artist’s fingers, indicating how he hand-makes these objects with true intensity. The seihakuji glaze perfects their consummate beauty: It envelops the pieces like a melting glacier and in doing so gives them a transcendental character. The works exude a spiritual presence. The artist reinterprets Japanese cultural traditions in an entirely new way.  continue reading