Matthias Loebermann: New works in color

25 May - 29 June 2024

Opening: Saturday, May 25th, 11 am

The artist will be present during the opening.

Preview: Friday, May 24th, 4-7 pm.

New Works in Color

These new pieces continue the exploration of the phenomenon of the ephemeral through portrayals of clouds and skies. What is new is the use of color.

All the works on display date from 2023 and 2024 and have all been realized on wood. Something else that is new is the use of wooden boxes, which underscores the object-like feel of these paintings. The flat image is thus transformed into a three-dimensional entity that looks different depending on the viewer’s perspective. The acrylic-based pigments are applied either as a glaze or have dry one layer after the other, or wet-on-wet and with a flat brush. Owing to the matte quality of the paint, the images respond strongly to the changing light in the room. Particularly in the case of the wooden boxes, the edges of the paintings reveal the various layers of painting, thus telling of how they came into being, highlighting the temporal quality of painting.

The paintings take the viewer on a journey, evoke moods, call memories to mind, and stimulate the imagination.

Most of these pieces only reveal their secrets if you carefully contemplate them for some time. And the modulating role of light is key to the viewer’s perception here. The eye takes time to digest and enjoy the delicate nuances in the painting layers and textures. It is only after examining them for some time and engaging with them that the richness of these ephemeral symphonies finally unfolds.
Matthias Loebermann