With works by:
YU-ICHI (Inoue Yûichi), Morita Shiryû, Uno Sesson, Andô Kisan, Hayashi Shisui, Inamura Undô,
Takashima Kei’un, Takeuchi Fûsei
Article in the German newspaper F.A.Z. about the exhibition.
Link to the article in German language
We would like to recommend two exhibitions:
Julius Bissier and East Asia. The Realm of my Imagination
19.05. – 23.09.2018
"Ausstellungshalle" in the Augustinermuseum – an exhibition from the Museum für Neue Kunst
Augustinermuseum, Augustinerplatz, 79098 Freiburg, Germany
Website of the exhibition (German)
YU-ICHI INOUE. Un calligraphe d’avant-garde (1916 –1985)
14.07. –15.09.2018
Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris
101Bis Quai Branly, 75015 Paris, France
www.mcjp.fr (French/Japanese)