Opening of the Museum Reinhard Ernst in Wiesbaden

Museum Reinhard Ernst, Wiesbaden. 23.06.2024

Robert Motherwell (1915 – 1991) , The Wedding, 1958, Acrylic (Magna) on canvas, 177 x 193 cm

Robert Motherwell (1915 – 1991), Arabesque, 1989, Oil on canvas, 183 x 549 cm
© Dedalus Foundation, Inc. / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
Photo: Helbig/Marburger

The Reinhard Ernst Museum in Wiesbaden designed by the architect Fumihiko Maki openened on June 23rd, 2024.
 The museum's collection includes two works by Inoue Yūichi.

Currently the museum exhibits one work by Inoue Yūichi in the exhibition “Color is Everything”:
Inoue Yūichi (1916 - 1985), Hana (Flower), ink with glue on paper on wood, 1967

The work is presented in the room “Lines against Limits” with works by Robert Motherwell and Tōkō Shinoda among others.

Works by Inoue Yūichi in the collection:

Collection online

Current exhibitions:

Color is Everything!

from 23.6.2024

Fumihiko Maki and Maki & Assosiates:

Towards Humane Architecture


Opening Hours

starting 25.6.2024

Tue-Sun: 12:00-18:00

Wed: 12:00-21:00

Closed on Monday

Museum Reinhard Ernst

Wilhelmstraße 1

65185 Wiesbaden

T.: +49 (0)611 763 8888 0

July 12, 2024