Exhibition recommendation: A Floating World - Impermanence and Motion in Japanese Art

Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt/Main, 31.01-27.04.2025

A Floating World

Impermanence and Motion in Japanese Art

Exhibition dates:
31 January – 27 April 2025

Thursday, 30 January 2025, 7 pm.

Curator: Stephan von der Schulenburg
A catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition.

18,4 x 24 cm, 228 p., Ill., pb. (in english and german version)

“The exhibition A World in Flow. Movement and Impermanence in Japanese Art demonstrates how Japanese art aesthetically permeates and comments on the changes and uncertainties of existence in a variety of ways. The show ranges from two weathered wooden sculptures from the 14th century, paintings and woodcuts from ancient Japan representing a life in motion, water depictions of various kinds and tea ceramics and lacquer works that ‘celebrate’ decay, to striking positions in contemporary Japanese art.”

With works from the topics:

Tea Culture and Ceramics

Lacquer Art

Painting and Sculpture

Nara ehon (Nara picture books)

Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints


With works by:

Inoue Yûichi

Rikuo Ueda

Hide Nasu

Shiriagari Kotobuki

Peter Granser and Mari Kashiwagi


Modern ceramics by: Mizuno Hanjiro, Takahara Shôji, Chûroku IV, Ichino Shinsui, Ichino Motokazu, Shirô Tsujimura and Kishimoto Kennin

Museum Angewandte Kunst
Schaumainkai 17
60594 Frankfurt/Main

Opening Hours:
Mon closed
Tue, Thu–Su 10 am – 6 pm
Wed 10 am – 8 pm

Further information:

January 24, 2025