Exhibition catalogue: Julius bissier and East Asia. In the Realm of my Imagination

A publication of the Städtischen Museen Freiburg, Museum für Neue Kunst. Michael Imhof Verlag 2018

On the occasion of the exhibition:
Julius Bissier and East Asia. In the Realm of my Imagination
Augustiner Museum, Freiburg

Edited by
Isabel Herda und Anna Hagdorn
for the Städtischen Museen Freiburg, Museum für Neue Kunst
24 × 28 cm, 272 pages, 420 color and 8 black and white ill., Hardcover
Text in German and English
ISBN 978-3-7319-0637-7
Euro (D) 39,95, Euro (A) 41,10, CHF 45,90

June 6, 2018